Baby Driver (2017)

Baby Driver is a 2017 action film directed by Edgar Wright, starring Ansel Elgort as a getaway driver seeking freedom from a life of crime. The film follows Baby, who loses his parents in a car crash and finds solace in music. He carries crews of robbers assembled by kingpin Doc to pay off a debt for theft of a car containing Doc’s illicit goods. Between jobs, he remixes snippets of recorded conversations and cares for his deaf foster father Joseph.
Baby meets Debora at Bo’s Diner and they start dating. After paying off his debt, Baby quits his crime life and starts delivering pizzas. He takes Debora on a date at a fancy restaurant where he meets Doc, who convinces him to join his planned post-office heist. The crew consists of Buddy, his sharpshooter wife Darling, and trigger-happy psychopath Bats, who takes a dislike to Baby.
Baby stops Bats from killing Debora to avoid paying, but Doc is furious and decides to cancel the heist. Bats, Buddy, and Darling disagree, but Doc lets Baby go through with it. Baby tries to escape late that night, but is stopped by Buddy and Bats, who believe he is a police informant. When they and Doc hear his mixtapes, they are convinced of his innocence.
During a heist, Bats kills a security guard, and Baby refuses to drive away, causing Bats to hit him. Baby rams his car into a rebar, impaling Bats and killing him. The three flee on foot, and Buddy blames Baby for Darling’s death and plans to kill him. Baby steals a car and flees to his apartment, leaving Joseph at an assisted living home. He shoots Buddy and flees with Debora as police reinforcements swarm the restaurant. At a safe house, Doc refuses Baby’s pleas for help but relents when Debora consoles him. Doc supplies them with cash and an escape route. They face the Butcher’s vengeful henchmen, but Doc kills them all. Buddy ambushes them with a stolen police car and kills Doc. A cat-and-mouse game ensues, and Buddy shoots him in the leg, leading to his death. Baby surrenders after encountering a police roadblock. At his trial, Joseph, Debora, and others Baby helped testify as character witnesses. He is sentenced to 25 years in prison, with a parole hearing after five. Debora stays in contact with Baby during his incarceration, and they reunite with a new car and drive off into the sunset.

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